New Jersey Division NMRA Membership
All NMRA members residing in the geographical boundaries of the NJ Division are automatically members of the NJ Division as well. Information about membership in the NMRA (National Model Railroad Association) can be found here. The Division is part of the NMRA and our activities are dictated by the rules and regulations of the NMRA.

Participating in New Jersey Division Activities
NJ Division participation is open to any NMRA member. Division activity fees are $10.00* per year, with our year running from September through August. This fee includes admission to all Division Meets and layout tours, the hobby shop discounts, 1 year of e-mailed copies of our newsletter and access to the books library.

*(If you elect to receive the newsletter by mail instead of electronically, the mailing fee is $15, in addition to the $10 activity fee)

For those not residing in our geographical area or for those who are not yet members of the NMRA, a mailed subscription to the newsletter is available for $15.00 per year. The newsletter will inform you of when and where the Division Meets will occur. We encourage those who subscribe to become members of the NMRA. As such, anyone who subscribes to the newsletter is welcome to attend up to 3 Division Meets in order to understand the full benefits of NMRA membership. There will be a $5.00 fee at the door to offset our Meet costs. After attending 3 meetings, we ask that you become a regular member of the NMRA in order to continue participating in NJ Division activities.

Activity Fee Renewals
If you are a current NJ Division participant, look for your Division Member Update form in the mail with the September newsletter. Otherwise, send payment to the Division Secretary using the Mailing Address to the left. Be sure to provide your NMRA number if you are not just subscribing.